While sitting in a quiet moment I had a fearful experience.
A feeling welled up inside and then without hearing any words I knew that
"I am Christos". The hallucination was very clear, not Jesus but
Christos. The experience was not simply a non-auditory, non-visual
hallucination, for it came with deep feelings for which words cannot do
justice, but sustaining, dynamic, and immensely intelligent love is the best I
can conjure. However wonderful the feelings were, a little later I found my
mind debating and deciding that this experience was upsetting and fearful. I
identified with society's condemnation of crazies who preach about Jesus being
within and I dreaded being turned into some type of wild-eyed preacher you encounter
in main streets of cities promising eternal salvation.
But the feelings continued, so I googled the spelling of the
word Christos and it came back as a Greek title given to a "good
man". And google also gave a link to a site which strongly stated that
Christos had nothing to do with Jesus Christ. And the feeling returned over the
weeks. I even told a close friend and she agreed that I was going crazy. But then, a few weeks later, doing something
entirely unrelated, I stumbled onto John Lash's website at www.metahistory.org.
Lash documents the Nag Hammadhi scrolls, fragments of
ancient Coptic/Greek texts, a tiny sliver of the amalgamation of gnostic
stories from the hallucinations and visions of many shaman over many thousands
of years. The stories mentioned that the Aeon Christos had given assistance to
the Aeon that resides as earth (Sophia) to help her with technical details of
creating the life on this planet (an Aeon being an unimaginable resident of the
galactic core). This just blew my mind. My whole body was electrified as I read
this story. The feeling within that had called me Christos danced with joy
inside. My mental mind was sceptical, but my heart "knew" the truth.
However, my mind was not entirely without discernment, for the story of Sophia
and Christos was so much more vast, grand, and in alignment with the complexity
that I observe in nature. This story has to be an oversimplifcation of reality,
but it felt to be a truthful simplification. The main point was that Christos
was part of all life on this planet. There was no need to feel self-important
about the feeling of being Christos, for it was in every part of life on this
world. And the story of Sophia is so moving, with tragedy and substance, and
the vision of Christos lending a helping hand to the wonders that Sophia was
living and growing through her brought a deep appreciation not often felt in
the distracting activities of this world.
Lash's website would have been enough but I dug a little
deeper, and quickly found another source that provided confirmation of my own
experiences. AE (George William Russell)
in Candle of Vision, 1918, pp. 172-173 poetically states:
“We have so passed away from vital contact with divine
powers that they have become for most names for the veriest abstractions. and
those who read do not know that the Mighty Mother is that Earth on which they
tread and whose holy substance they call common clay; or that the Paraclete is
the strength of our being, the power which binds atom to atom and Earth to Heaven:
or that the Christos is the Magician of the Beautiful and that it is not
only the Architect of the God-world but is that in us which sees beauty,
creates beauty, and it is verily wisdom in us and is our deepest self; or
that the Father is the fountain of substance and power and wisdom, and that we
could not lift an eyelash but that we have our being in Him.”
AE used the exact same name and described with great beauty
the architect Christos as being our deepest self, identical to
what my experience was attempting to communicate.
These accounts of direct experiences were a confirmation of
my own experiences, a vital antidote in this world of forced fake beliefs, fake
rituals, and fake authority. I realized why the Empire has obliterated every
fragment of gnostic teaching, and the lifestyle of those who have a mystical
connection to nature, AND in its stead promoted the world over, a tricksy
deceptive alternative story, that of Jesus Christ. The beyond-epic story of the
Christos intervention which lives in us today, the second most dramatic episode
of Gnostic history (after Sophia mistakenly leaving the galactic core), is
diverted into a story about ONE man, who was the sun (sic) of an external God,
who came down to save us from our innate sinful nature. But I did not
experience anything about an innate sinful nature, but rather the opposite: a
wonderful growing love. The imagineless authorities knew that people would
experience the living Christos and therefore pushed a perverted and twisted
story. People experiencing their Christos within, would be diverted and tricked
into misinterpreting their experiences, and their error would drive them into
the arms of a hierarchical religion, (whereas Christos is the opposite of
hierarchy). This knowledge accessible to all (from nature) was transformed into
a story of self-sacrifice to the empire, and worse, the self-destruction of
nature and mankind; for those destructive outcomes occur as a result of the
necessary mind-set and distorted thinking for individuals to submit to an
external authority.
Fear of (Hallucinatory) Direct Knowing Emanated from the
New Religion of Science
Fear generated from directly knowing anything with a
religious connation is also produced by the new religion of science. While the
religious institutions that take credit for and interpret your experience for
you, the material world of corporate science loudly proclaims that these
experiences are a malfunctioning brain chemistry. So the alternative
interpretation, among the two bad choices, is that you must ignore this
experience and bury it or else risk insanity and pharmaceutical drugs, the
chemical lobotomies of our time. Take your pick! In either case, carefully
designed and purposefully implanted interpretations, are performing their designed
function. Anything that takes us away from the flow, from a relationship with
our conscience and its higher functions, any imagined fear or story, however
irrational, is enough to derail the natural process. The mis-leaders care most
of all to lead us from the path, but what if they have designed an alternative
pathway that leads into pre-designed traps? This would make sense, for the
deceivers have had centuries to design such mechanisms. Religion is important
because it is where questions of self-experience with alternative worlds
apparently have answers. But even if religion is entirely ignored, as say by a
scientist, the hammer of science will fall to frighten the individual to ignore
the experience. In either case, the mis-leaders have achieved success, for
non-belief and active ignorance will be a powerful force against the direct
personal encounters of the spiritual kind.
The Temptation of Self Importance and Self Sacrifice by
A second purpose of religious machinery when interpreting
spiritual experiences is to induce self-importance, which will be the downfall
of any who give into the self-importance temptation. Jesus Christ was obviously
a good man, but he is a pale imitation of Christos. The prime deception is to
transform the unimaginable Aeon Christos into a man. Worse, he is one man that
“saved” the world. To have direct connection with this most important man,
exalted above all, is yourself to be exalted. At least that is how the
religious authorities will tempt you. But beware, the other part of the Jesus
story is pure sickness; the absolutely disgusting supposed redemption by Jesus
via torture and suffering inflicted by the Empire/Authority. As if the
suffering itself was the greatest vision we can hold. As Lash says, only those
within the Empire doing the torturing and inflicting suffering would have
written the story in that way.
What I learned was that so called “divine experiences” are
no big deal, one I am thankful that it exists, but is a common component of
human beings. Christos is not even exclusive to human beings but lives in all
of nature. The experiences are humbling as much as they are uplifting. But how
depressing is it to realize that most of humanity invests all their energy in
distractions designed to avoid any revelation from direct knowing using our
connection with nature. Most people spend most of their lives trying to
frantically avoid any contact with a higher self, by distractions which refuse
to get quiet. Even if you are not religious, analyse your television and
entertainment; movies and tv are infused with the mistaken ideals taken from
the story of Jesus, that work to serve the Empire.
Empire deals with an encounter with Christos very cleverly,
There is a self-importance trap to either: fall into and become a crazy
religious nut; or, to reject outright and become a hollow machine man. And like
the political parties there are only two bad choices to choose from, or so
Empire wants you to believe.
The True Purpose of Christos for Man is Error Correction
or Wisdom
The first error that Christos revealed is that there is no
innate sin or evil in man, instead there is an infinite well of love that
nature will provide. This error correction was achieved by the Christos linking
its energy to the part of Christos within my own consciousness. This
communication is the very pulse of life one vaguely feels may or may not be
supporting existence. However, other error corrections are less uplifting, for
the conscience is tip of the Christos infinite monolith, and Christos will show
us our mistakes; uncomfortable truths that distractions will only temporarily
hide. But we are not evil, merely fallible. So there is a subtle but very
important distinction: error is not the same as an innate evil; therefore,
there is no Jesus or any other man that can redeem or save us, for there is no
innate state from which we need to be saved from.
Of course, if we do not correct our mistakes then the
suffering of ourselves and others will multiply with each error piled on error.
But we can correct our errors, we are not alone but have nature and Christos on
our side. Is it really difficult to lose self-importance to confront the
reality of our mistakes? It is easier to let it go of self-importance for it is
a cessation of struggle, but we find excuses, we can find a way to go along
with Empire. Meanwhile, Empire is commandeered by those who believe only in
their self-importance and who have made so many dreadful errors that they
approach the definition of evil. Their house of cards is piled so high, the
distorted perception so coloured, that they do not want reality to tell them
the truth that they are wrong, and that the world's suffering is due to their
power hungry errors.
It is healthy for man to admit that CHRISTOS IS WITHIN, with
full understanding that it is nothing special, given to all life, part of the
divine world in which we live. In other words, as long as I follow the
conscience within and have faith in my innate goodness, and as long as I throw
away the tricksy lies of the Bible and external Gods, or limitations proclaimed
by men of corporate science or any Authority, I am the opposite of crazy to
know that CHRISTOS lives within, for I sense it directly, and so do you.
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