Did the depression of the 1930s even happen? A tree falling in the night?

I got all the books out of the library about the 1930s depression. (No nuke blasts necessary to cause that depression, just govt induced credit creation -- and then the inevitable contraction). It wasn't hard there were just 7 books on the NZ depression!! Think! There are whole shelves of books on Mokos, not that Mokos are not important, but the worst economic time in history has 7 books -- it's a coverup for the myth that socialism and Keynesian policy worked, but that is another story.

The truth is not an act of memory: it comes with no effort.

I have a difficult time remembering falsities and theories thus with.
The truth is not an act of memory: it comes with no effort.

A Message

My dear friend sent me the following message:

NZ Police Bust the Happy Gardener

Why busting the Happy Gardener is so Wrong