Gout #20 Summary

If you click on the Gout label on the left, you will get a list of the other 19 articles. I believe I am done with gout and gout articles. I got enough written down to give an idea of how you can cure gout yourself. Much was omitted but specifics are unique to everyone, and it is your journey. Start.

Here is the cheat sheet:

1) [Fire] Key step was stopping the pain killers. It got me focused and the pain is a crucial part of healing. Be a warrior, not a cry-baby.

2) [Earth] Trust your body, it is so much more fantastic and wonderful than anything man can create. Get out of its way and stop sabotaging it, and your body will do all the work, mostly when you are asleep, so you can lie back and relax and wait patiently for the correction/cure. 

3) [Water] Get control of your emotions/feelings/mind, by not reacting. By doing nothing, and acting with patience. I did a very simple meditation/concentration exercise for 5-10 minutes every day to enable self-control, and self mind control enabled the first two decisions. Note: Meditation is a loaded word. I saw this presentation by Bill Joslin, and realized that I had never done any "meditation" as he described. Instead, what you need is pineal gland exercise/training.

4) [Air] Reject established knowledge unless you work it out for yourself. Use your mind without emotion, after getting the information from the other senses including senses not normally described in modern life. Research is not necessary but may help for confirmation. The medical archons they don't know and don't care, except for getting you hooked for life on drugs. For example, take the Uric Acid serum test, hardly what you're been told:
"Measurement of serum uric acid is the most misused test in the diagnosis of gout...The level of serum uric acid does correlate with the risk of developing gout. The 5-year risk for developing gout is approximately 0.6% if the level is below 7.9 mg/dL, 1% if it is 8-8.9 mg/dL [wow, is there a difference], and 22% if it is higher than 9 mg/dL. [ok, but not what you would expect if uric acid was such a bad thing]."

Gout #19 The Chemical Specifics of my Gout, Part 1

This is a real list of substances to avoid if you wish to avoid gout. This goes back over my entire history. Part 2 (Gout #18) is post cigarettes/mercury detox and includes more information on the internal chemical toxins.

Saturn, the Great Healer

Thumbnail of image
Saturn is the great healer, so it makes sense that it would be the great maleficent in established thought.

Penguins of Madagascar -- Another Example of the Four Directions

The brilliant Penguins of Madagascar demonstrates very effectively the 4 directions: the ancient organization of knowledge. Like Star Trek and Wizard of Oz, the 4 elements of life are clearly delineated and defined, and the properties of the four directions/elements can be inferred from the characters.


A Yoga Circuit of the Zodiac

This is my take on a yoga circuit of the zodiac. I tried to find one on goggle but could not, so I sat down and meditated on yoga poses for signs of the zodiac. Hopefully, you can tell which signs go to which pose (they are in the same order as the zodiac). Please distribute freely and provide suggestions/feedback.

Gout #18 The Chemical Specifics of my Gout, Part 2

Here is part 2 of the chemical specifics of the cause of gout. This reflects the late stages of the cure, after much of the mercury/heavy metals and toxins from cigarettes were cleared, see part 1. I got most of my gout once I stopped drinking alcohol and undertook a healthy lifestyle, however alcohol is the predominant cause. The reason is that the toxins are stored in fat cells and when these fat cells are consumed the toxins have to be processed. See Gout #1 for theory.

What is spirit and what is ego?

Well that is the question, to be or not to be. Russell in Candle of Vision (p5-7) describes the ego as a mean and miserable boy, and I can't get the thought out of my mind:

A Brief Theory of Getting High

I have contemplated what it means to get “high” for some time. Here is my conclusion: getting high involves becoming possessed with an intentity – an entity with purpose/intelligence that populates hyperspace, the world of the mind.

Gout #17 Foods and Dowsing

Cowboy wisdom from the www: “Always take a good look at what you’re about to eat. It’s not so important to know what it is, but it’s critical to know what it was.” Don't get confused about food by those who want to make money off you, you can't trust them. Dowse your food yourself for free (or in exchange for a little of life's energy), and know directly what foods will cure gout.

We Are All Zero

I am sick of these new-ager types that go around spouting "we are all one" as we are “just another drop in the ocean.” I'd say “just another drip in the ocean”. What is the great seduction of self-destruction, that we may all become part of a hive, at best, or a super obedient cell in an organ, at worst? Are we so feeble that only by joining into a giant greater organism that we have any worth? But the main reason that I hate the “we are all one” crap is because they are off by the infinite number of intervals between 0 and 1. In fact, WE ARE ALL ZERO.

Adam and Eve and the Original Lie

The story of Adam and Eve is the original lie which produces original guilt. It leads to the adoption of religious rules in the place of man's direct connection to the creative lifeforce and is fundamentally anti-trees, anti-nature, and anti-people. The Garden of Eden story is written as a promotional device by those that benefit from it. Like the communist manifesto, or the Agenda 21 plan, it is designed to enslave and intimidate, promote cruelty and violence, while tricking followers into believing that they are doing the greatest good and tempting them to thinking that they are better than others.

Christos has nothing to do with Jesus

While sitting in a quiet moment I had a fearful experience. A feeling welled up inside and then without hearing any words I knew that "I am Christos". The hallucination was very clear, not Jesus but Christos. The experience was not simply a non-auditory, non-visual hallucination, for it came with deep feelings for which words cannot do justice, but sustaining, dynamic, and immensely intelligent love is the best I can conjure. However wonderful the feelings were, a little later I found my mind debating and deciding that this experience was upsetting and fearful. I identified with society's condemnation of crazies who preach about Jesus being within and I dreaded being turned into some type of wild-eyed preacher you encounter in main streets of cities promising eternal salvation.

Gout #16, Ancient Advice on Gout

Has understanding of Gout advanced over the centuries? The list of foods to avoid and eat given out by the medical establishment is about 0% true. Here is some advice from the past that is about 45% true attributed to Aulus Cornelius Celsus (30 AD), who described the linkage with alcohol, later onset in women, and associated kidney problems:

Gout #15, My Experience with Doctors and Healers

My bias is that the person that cares most and knows most about your body is you. You have more than a special connection and communication with your own body. Communication from your body to you cannot be necessarily communicated in words to another. Delegation of health to another is not possible. Advice is welcome in all aspects of life, but the decisions must be your own. However, I resisted the mainstream medical treatments that provided relief from symptoms without healing and instead I used my gout to change my behaviors.

Gout #14, Sade-Sati and Gout/Healing Crisis

In 2011, I had 3 major healing crises that featured gout. I had a diary and wrote down the dates. Interesting, also in 2011, Saturn passed my birth-moon position 3 times. Yes, Saturn ran over my birth-moon, then backed up over my birth-moon, and then ran me over again! When I finally checked the exact position of my moon sign (galacticcenter.org), the focal point of each of the healing crises was coincident with Saturn passing my birth-moon. Coincidence? I think not.

Gout #13, Free Dental Care

Growing up in the socialist utopia of New Zealand, all school children had mandatory (forced) FREE dental care. Be very careful of governments bearing gifts, for child dental care was a scheme for proving to the entire world that not fluoridating water was insanity. An interesting description of the program and manufacturing of results is nicely described by important NZ dentist John Colquhoun, http://www.fluoridation.com/colquhoun.htm

Gout #12, Using Good for Evil

There is one interesting factor which should be mentioned if someone is making progress in improving health by reducing consumption of harmful substances. Be careful that all that good is not consumed by new “manageable” evil.

Gout #11, Help with Alcohol Cravings

Meditation wounded the drinking demon deeply,

And the gout pain smote thine truly

Gout #10, Bringing on a Healing Crisis: Vegetable Juice

I made my 2011 New Year’s resolution to not take pain killers to alleviate gout symptoms so that I would cure my gout (which remarkably lead to my last gout attack ending on Dec 30, 2011 and then being completely gout free for 2012). I then finished a normal excess drinking gout episode by January 7, and then the months passed, and absolutely nothing happened

Gout #9, The Gateway (Drug)

I include this in my gout series, as a contrast between the great gout giver so revered in society, alcohol, and the plant which is so reviled in society. This is relevant because through my research I have found that alcohol and cannabis are opposites. Hmm, a gateway is both a door and a path. To where does this path lead? What if cannabis is actually the gateway back to sobriety?

Gout #8, The Battle for the Mind

From Wikipedia: “Addiction is the continued repetition of a behavior despite adverse consequences, or a neurological impairment leading to such behaviors.” Alcohol is a fairly simple addiction to understand: I couldn’t stop drinking alcohol. This is a collection of experiences which shows the internal manifestations of alcohol addiction in the mind, and the intervention of supernatural forces.

Gout #7, Meditation

It is so important to be able to gain control of one’s emotional machinery, to be able to wait with patience. This allows the personal scientific method operated by both the mind and the spirit to become employed. It really does stop fear, worry, doubt and life grows to become completely different than the previous cursed life of being enchanted and trapped in a continuous mind-loop.