Saturn, the Great Healer

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Saturn is the great healer, so it makes sense that it would be the great maleficent in established thought.

Any healing involves pain, because the error correction process is painful. It is the same as admitting one is wrong.

This is a universal concept. For example, take monetary policy (an system imposed by the rulers). The healing (truly free market established) interest rates are painful, and the "recession" is despised. In typical human fashion, the healing is blamed as the problem. Pain killers, or low interest rates, are introduced as false healing, negating the symptoms of past error. But this creates more errors and parasites are strengthened and feed more. The parasite will communicate in some way that this self-sacrifice is a pleasant/noble experience, and the parasites get stronger. It was the stupidity, the errors created by the excesses of low interest rates that are the disease, but the excesses are loved.

This is the fractal process we fight against, the war against change, the war against time, our self-imprisoning desire to be god, the sin of the Elves in Lord of the Rings. The same process happens within an individual, a community, a city, a nation, a planet.

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