Gout #20 Summary

If you click on the Gout label on the left, you will get a list of the other 19 articles. I believe I am done with gout and gout articles. I got enough written down to give an idea of how you can cure gout yourself. Much was omitted but specifics are unique to everyone, and it is your journey. Start.

Here is the cheat sheet:

1) [Fire] Key step was stopping the pain killers. It got me focused and the pain is a crucial part of healing. Be a warrior, not a cry-baby.

2) [Earth] Trust your body, it is so much more fantastic and wonderful than anything man can create. Get out of its way and stop sabotaging it, and your body will do all the work, mostly when you are asleep, so you can lie back and relax and wait patiently for the correction/cure. 

3) [Water] Get control of your emotions/feelings/mind, by not reacting. By doing nothing, and acting with patience. I did a very simple meditation/concentration exercise for 5-10 minutes every day to enable self-control, and self mind control enabled the first two decisions. Note: Meditation is a loaded word. I saw this presentation by Bill Joslin, and realized that I had never done any "meditation" as he described. Instead, what you need is pineal gland exercise/training.

4) [Air] Reject established knowledge unless you work it out for yourself. Use your mind without emotion, after getting the information from the other senses including senses not normally described in modern life. Research is not necessary but may help for confirmation. The medical archons they don't know and don't care, except for getting you hooked for life on drugs. For example, take the Uric Acid serum test, hardly what you're been told:
"Measurement of serum uric acid is the most misused test in the diagnosis of gout...The level of serum uric acid does correlate with the risk of developing gout. The 5-year risk for developing gout is approximately 0.6% if the level is below 7.9 mg/dL, 1% if it is 8-8.9 mg/dL [wow, is there a difference], and 22% if it is higher than 9 mg/dL. [ok, but not what you would expect if uric acid was such a bad thing]."

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