I have contemplated what it means to get “high” for some
time. Here is my conclusion: getting high involves becoming possessed
with an intentity – an entity with purpose/intelligence that populates
hyperspace, the world of the mind.
An intentity can replace the normal
operator of the mind, the ego, or co-operate the mind with the ego, to produce
a new feeling/mood/or state of mind and perceptions. Parasitic intentities use
(and consume) the energy produced by human beings. It doesn't really matter to
my theory whether we create these intentities ourselves (say via blocked
energy, or resenting) or these are true external parasites (say an intelligent and despicable
predator, like an archon). What matters is the energy expenditure that the
intentities extract. Certain intentities such as plant consciousnesses merely
communicate, and some can combine the energy of the human with their own energy
coming from mother earth. You can tell how much energy is consumed/going out by
the severity of the hangover. Counter-intuitively, it is the hangover, the
toxicity, that creates addiction. A painful hangover is sign of expenditure of
stockpiled energy from within the body and mind, while the absence of a
hangover or even a negative hangover is a sign of a communicative intentity --
the mixing of the intentity's energy with our own. The weakened state of a hangover makes you susceptible to post hypnotic suggestion that will wipe this pain from memory, at
least by the time that it is time for another feeding session.
Of course, the body is well designed, the ultimate intentity
is the higher spirit, and this special intentity ought to operate the human
mind, with the ego as its “number one”, its helper.
Next, I briefly go through some points about emotions,
drugs, and then plants to develop explanation for the reasoning above.
Society makes too much out of altered states of perception
caused by drugs – based largely on alcohol's poor example – compared to the
common everyday intentities that bombard us. The little things – temptations to
resent, to put on a pedestal, or put-down – are much more common.
I perceive emotions and feelings differently. Emotions have
active physical body symptoms while feelings are observation only. It is never
in our interest to become emotional, and in fact, emotions are caused by
inviting in an intent, an intentity, or intelligent entity, and with
repeated possession, you begin to accept the intentity as your own which becomes
an identity. Emotions get you “high” as you radiate energy and this is all triggered by trickery/hypnotism
from the intentity.
Anger is a clear-cut example of an emotion. The other
day, I went into a parking lot and a space opened up, and I waited for the car
to back out. Some lady in another car starting yelling and screaming, it
appeared I was stealing her parking space. Although my friend said he hadn't
seen her waiting, I decided to move on, winding down the window and saying
“sorry, I didn't see you there” with a smile. She would not even look at me,
she was in the full depths of a rage, I could feel the negative energy
emanating from her. She completely cut herself off from perspective and her own
awareness, and must have needed another 2 hours sleep that night. After I made
my apology, universe immediately provided me with another parking space closer
to the entrance as another car just ahead backed out.
Why did she put herself through
the energy expenditure? A little toy-dog yapping. Perhaps she cannot act alone,
and needs to follow an intentity to act, and requires the anger, aggression,
and resentment to cause her mind and body to operate, however embarrassingly.
People are so addicted to their emotions that they find the idea of being
without emotions to be non-human, and fail to see emotions as sub-human/animal.
Spock in
Two beings in control of their emotions |
Praise gets you high, boy can it get one high. A
fantasy of being loved and wonderful and people “looking up to you” will be
followed by the outcomes of all the errors that that state produces. The very
state of being praised makes one lazy, careless, forgetful, and a host of other
emperor-type symptoms. Then, perhaps as a consequence of the mistakes, or simply
the intrusion of reality, the deflation of the ego bubble occurs when an
inconvenient fact pops it. This is very painful, and the pain is the (energy)
drain. Because of this hangover, praise is very addictive, and attempts to fish
for praise can drive someone's life.
It's better to be pissed-on than pissed-off; criticism might
hurt the ego, but praise corrupts the ego. Even if criticism is unfair, it has
a tendency for self-reflection, which is often useful, as it is very easy to go
bowling along in life without noticing things.
Self-talk is dangerous for the intentity will trade
places with “you” in the dialogue and you will lose track of things. For
example, a wonderful imagined sense of friendship, exaltation, or some positive
scenario may quickly deteriorate and before you know it you are killing people in
a life and death struggle. Like some Hollywood hero, you gain maximum hate
against these imagined enemies as you smite them like a true God. Or you start
from someone praising you in your mind and without realizing it, you are
imaging hurting yourself in your mind. Senility may be preferable compared to
hating everything, particularly oneself, all the time, and I think this is the
choice some old people make, or the intentity causes them to make.
Other emotions work similarly. It is an intentity inside
your head that takes over and pushes the energy-release buttons. Adrenaline and
other chemicals surge through your blood vessels. Meanwhile the intentity
consumes part of this energy, and gains more control over you every time, particularly in the weakened state of the hangover. I
have come to see this by observing myself.
Drugs are usually refined and concentrated plant extracts or
creations of the chemical lab. Drugs are probably easiest to understand for the
effect has a time dependent causal relationship. But even here, symptoms can
reappear long after a drug was taken, and these “active memories” will be a
craving trigger. A couple of examples from drugs with which I am familiar
Sugar – a chemical extract from plants, was my first drug,
and from the age of 5 until 45 I was a complete sugar fiend. The buzz or high
is a dirty radiation of energy, but the hangover is quite powerful if people
consider it. People report feeling terrible, completely without energy, when
eliminating sugar and carbohydrates from their diet. It's probably more difficult to
quit sugar than smoking for it seems the negative consequences of taking sugar are not
as strong as smoking tobacco (not sure that that is correct). The high is a
dirty high, and a very non-aware high – check it out, it goes great with the tv
coma. Forget the chemistry, sugar consumption facilitates an intentity entering
into the mind's driving seat, and kids go into a calm happy zombie state, but
the intentity awakes them to need once the sugar wears off. I think what
science calls excitotoxins etc. are names for chemical catalysts that enable
intentities to take (partial) control of the mind.
Alcohol – a chemical that has two main effects. First, it
radiates your energy in a very abnormal intense way, releasing lots of carefully stored
life force. Second, it impairs your resistance against intentities; the
homunculus is drunk and impaired and cannot resist the home dwelling
intentities/archons, particularly ones which are suppressed the most in the
sober state. So it is a perfect storm, a radiation without purpose, that
weakens and attracts malicious intentities; the energy radiated is like blood in
the water to sharks. (Also has a physical correspondence and will attract
predatory people).
Alcohol is also negative because alcohol mimics in some
superficial ways the action of very beneficial sacred plants of which you may
have ancestor/genetic memory. This is why cultures that are closer to nature
are harmed so much by alcohol. The percentage of people with alcohol addiction
in a culture is a measure of the pure content of nature in the culture – in
other words, a measure of “non-domestication”.
Say you drink once a week. You can still be completely under
the influence of alcohol the whole time. This slavery will wear three different
1. The anticipation (the pledge). This is the stage of
building tension, of excitement. It is felt in the pit of the stomach, and
perhaps as a light-headedness. The symptoms of the high itself may be
experienced for a brief period of time before consuming alcohol (time-travel).
2. The consumption (the turn). This is where the “spend”
occurs, the indulgence in the drug. The flight, the rage of tension stretching,
the violent release of stored energy/tension to the predator intentity.
3. The hangover (the prestige). The reverse tension to
anticipation, but much more intense.
The intentities whisper to you, make suggestions, feed you
memories, and tempt you to drink in the first stage. They are showing you the
mechanics of the trick to be performed. The consumption (drunken) stage is
inviting in the intentities to run your body from inside your head (which can
also can happen with useless people coming into one's physical life). It is
called the turn by magicians according to the movie The Prestige (2006).
Weakness is alcohol's main characteristic, an embrace of self-destruction.
Emotions are triggered easily (although impairment gets in the way of the
strength of the emotion). The intentities feed heavily in this stage. However,
the archon/intentity will also feed heavily in the hangover stage, when the
consequences come home to roost. You will feel every bit of guilt, remorse,
foolishness, and every negative emotion in startling detail. This is the
prestige of the trick for the intentity, the sting of the hyperspace hustler.
Interestingly, this stage is wiped from memory, at least by the time for another feed. Archons can actually hypnotize you, and particularly if
you resist the terrible truth in the hangover stage, archons will implant a
post hypnotic suggestion via self-talk, playing characters, for you to forget
the hangover. This is why alcoholics are oblivious to their hangover as they
anticipate the next drinking session. At least that is how I see it, after
having gone through that process many times. Praise all the gods that I started
to meditate and let the Light chase out those tricky drinking archons.
Cabbage makes me feel good. How does it do this? Scientist
will say it is the chemicals that are within cabbage as if synthesizing them in
a lab would produce the same effects. The better explanation is that there is
life in cabbage juice, and this vibration of life I believe is what makes me
feel good. However, there is no hangover of any kind with cabbage juice, it is
not addictive. In fact, the “strange reluctance” to undertake certain actions
occurs with the motivation to drink cabbage juice, as those intentities that
live inside do not wish me to consume cabbage juice, as there is no energy release for
them to consume, it is in the domain of the cabbage consciousness. But
cabbages, although great mood enhancers, are not particularly intelligent
intentities, or at least in my experience.
However, there are many plants that have active ingredients
that appear to give that plant species intentity a key to unlocking a
telepathic connection with a person, perhaps by vibrational frequency, for the
telepathy will continue even after the plant passes through the body unchanged.
It is still a temporary phenomenon, but it seems that there is a species level
plant consciousness for some of these plants. They have personalities. Most do
not feed or allow other intentities to drain energy for, like cabbage, there is
no pain of a hangover. Of course, some plants may be extremely dangerous
particularly if used as a weapon by another human, some can kill, some can
grant visions and some are reported to grant knowledge of the future. The world
of nature is basically infinite and we know so little. However fellow slaves,
it is the beneficial plants (and a few harmful drugs) and not the harmful
plants which are made illegal.
For example, in my country, “synthetic cannabis” made in a
lab is available for purchase at the corner store. It is a really nasty
hangover inducing drug and is highly addictive, completely different from
natural cannabis. I guess that someone wants some negative propaganda, as the
dumbed down alcohol consumers in society will equate synthetic cannabis to
So consuming some of these plants can make one high, but it
is as rich a world as there are plants in the world. I just want to make two
important points:
1) The sensations and the feelings from plants can be
produced by an entirely different method to emotions and drugs. It is a
telepathic connection (why the brain may buzz) with that plant species
2) The test of the addictiveness of a plant is the hangover
that it produces. If a plant does not produce a hangover (at a particular
dose), it is not addictive (at that particular dose).
Protective Measures
How to protect yourself from the parasitic intentities? By
meditating. The greatest delusion is that logic alone, or talking about
meditation, will somehow make you immune to intentities when a test comes. The
only exception would be a person who has been able to maintain their childhood
state of awareness their entire life – someone who has not resented. You must
develop the connection to the Light with practice and keep it strong – yes, of
course Spock meditated, he was in a constant state of meditation. At the end of
the day you don't do anything to cure yourself of intentities, but let the
Light do its work. It is the banishment of the inner light, and its replacement
with an intentity which is the problem.
Sure, the intentities will do everything in their power to
prevent you from meditating, they know that it will lead eventually to less
energy for them. The “strange reluctance” people have to meditation is their
intentities talking. Churches are physically manifested parasites, so it is no
wonder that they oppose meditation, for it cuts them out of the process.
The meditation protection should allow one to not resent, to
not desire to wish hurt against anyone. By being non-violent in the world
within your mind, your natural defenses (the Light) will offer protection
against intentities. Turn the other cheek in the world of mind-hyperspace for
it starves the parasitic intentities of their power. This does not mean that
you should be afraid to take measures against others that are under the control
of parasitic intentities in the physical world, and you should be in no doubt
about your right to kill in self-defense, for your life is more valuable than
an archonite's life.
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